From the CBA Statute

On this page, we present the most important parts of the Statute, which define the CBA’s mission, vision, and organizational structure.

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Center for Combating Antisemitism and Intolerance (CBA)

Area of Work

Article 1.

Center for Combating Antisemitism and Intolerance (CBA) is a non-governmental and non-profit association established for an indefinite period of time to fulfill goals focused on developing and improving the fight against antisemitism, as well as other forms of hatred, intolerance, and discrimination in the Republic of Serbia, and internationally.

The activities of the Association are aimed at contributing to the creation and implementation of strategies and action plans, projects, and other activities, both at the state and local level in the Republic of Serbia, focussed on combating antisemitism and other forms of hatred, intolerance, and discrimination.


Article 2.

The objectives of the CBA are: to spread awareness about antisemitism as a serious threat to democracy in every society, about the need to systematically oppose it, as well as to contribute to the fight against antisemitism and other forms of hatred, intolerance, and discrimination in the Republic of Serbia through concrete activities of the Association.

A specific goal is to make a constructive contribution to the work being done on implementing the European Union Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life (2021-2030) and the creation of an appropriate national action plan in the Republic of Serbia that will include the three basic postulates of the Strategy: prevention and suppression of all forms of antisemitism, protection, and support of Jewish communities, and education, research and fostering a culture of Holocaust remembrance.

As such, CBA focuses in particular on providing professional assistance and support to relevant and responsible state institutions and authorities to grow professional and skilled capacity, develop strategies and action plans at both the state and local level, as well as develop and implement projects and various targeted activities to combat antisemitism and other forms of hatred, intolerance, and discrimination in the Republic of Serbia.

Article 3.

To achieve its objectives, CBA shall:

  1. Engage, establish, maintain, and improve a vast network of participants, from relevant state and government institutions, through local Jewish and other communities, cultural, scientific, and educational institutions, to civil society organizations and individuals, both in Serbia and abroad, to create a partnership and achieve cooperation in the joint fight against antisemitism and other forms of hatred, intolerance, and discrimination in the Republic of Serbia.
  2. Provide professional assistance and support to relevant state institutions and authorities in capacity building and professional and skills development training, developing strategies and action plans at the state and local level, as well as developing and implementing projects and various targeted activities aimed at combating antisemitism and other forms of hatred, intolerance, and discrimination in the Republic of Serbia.
  3. Cooperate with Jewish communities in the Republic of Serbia to grow the capacity of local communities and enable active cooperation in the fight against antisemitism and other forms of hatred, intolerance, and discrimination in the Republic of Serbia.
  4. Work on capacity development, professional training, and implementation of tools for reporting and monitoring antisemitic incidents, processing, disclosing, and exchanging data with relevant organizations and institutions in the Republic of Serbia and internationally.
  5. Create, organize, and implement educational programs and professional development programs for decision- and policy makers, professionals in the fields of legislation, judiciary, police and security services, public information services, traditional and new media, culture and education, as well as public sector employees, civil society activists, and others.
  6. Make sure to promptly and appropriately react to and warn the public and relevant authorities about antisemitic incidents and occurrences in all spheres of social life in the Republic of Serbia.
  7. Develop, organize, and implement projects and various activities in the country and abroad, independently or in cooperation with partner organizations.
  8. Cooperate with relevant organizations and institutions, museums, archives, libraries, universities, schools, professional associations, companies, legal entities, or individuals in the country and abroad.
  9. Organize specialist meetings, consultations, seminars, panels, debates, exhibitions, artistic and other cultural programs, campaigns, and other activities aimed at providing information and educating and facilitating the exchange of opinions and promotion of the fight against antisemitism and other forms of hatred, intolerance, and discrimination in the Republic of Serbia.
  10. Develop, design, publish and distribute digital and analog products in various formats, including new media, video and audio, film and theater production, internet publishing, as well as the publication of printed products such as books, brochures, posters, panels, and more.

The CBA bases its work on the following:

Name and headquarters

Article 4.

The full name in Serbian is: Centar za borbu protiv antisemitizma
The abbreviated name is: CBA
The full name in English: Center for Combating Antisemitism and Intolerance
CBA is based in Novi Sad.
CBA carries out its activities both on the territory of the Republic of Serbia and abroad.

Terms and conditions for the admission of members and termination of membership

Article 5.

Any person who accepts the goals of the CBA and its Statute and submits an application for membership to the Management Board may become a member.

A member can be a citizen of the Republic of Serbia or another country.

A member may also be a legal entity represented by a legal representative or a person appointed by that entity to represent it in the CBA or its bodies.

A member can be a legal entity registered on the territory of the Republic of Serbia or another country.

Internal organization

Article 8.

The bodies of the CBA are the Assembly, the Steering Board, the Supervisory Board, and the Advisory Board.

CBA is represented by the President of the Steering Board and, in the absence of the President, by the two Vice Presidents of the Steering Board.

Article 9.

The Assembly consists of all members. Authorized representatives of legal entities that are members may also join the assembly.

Article 10.

The Steering Board is the executive body that takes care of the implementation of the goals of the association, which this Statute determines. The Steering Board manages the work of the CBA, makes decisions to achieve its goals, and organizes the regular activities of the CBA;

Article 13.

The Supervisory Board controls the CBA’s financial operations.

Article 14.

The Advisory Board consists of distinguished members who, with their experience and knowledge, can make a special contribution to the achievement of the CBA’s goals.
The role of the Advisory Board is to:
– Support the Management Board in creating plans for the CBA’s strategic work,
– Give expert advice and suggestions for long-term and short-term activities,
– Give expert advice and suggestions for overcoming specific problems in the realization of the goals and activities,
– Contribute to promoting the CBA and its strategic goals and activities, locally and internationally.

Enabling public scrutiny of the CBA and its work

Article 15.

The work of the CBA is public. The Steering Board regularly informs the membership and the public about the work and activities of the CBA, either directly or through internal publications, press releases, the CBA website, or in another appropriate manner. Annual accounts and reports on the CBA activities are submitted to members at the assembly session.

Cooperation with other organizations

Article 16.

In order to achieve its goals, the CBA establishes contacts and cooperates with other organizations in Serbia and internationally. The CBA can join international associations/networks, which is decided by the Assembly.